3/24 DT Robbins + Group Reading

3/24 DT Robbins + Group Reading

D.T. Robbins is the author of Birds Aren’t Real (Maudlin House) and founding editor of Rejection Letters. He lives and works in Southern California.

Joshua Hebburn is a grocery clerk who lives in northern Los Angeles and the internet. His short fiction has appeared in New World Writing, Forever Mag, HAD, and X-R-A-Y, where he’s an associate fiction editor.

Tex Gresham is an award-winning screenwriter and the author of books such as Sunflower, Heck, Texas, and This Is Strange June. His first feature film, MUSTARD, was completed earlier this year and is available for free on Vimeo. He’s on Twitter as @thatsqueakypig and online at www.squeakypig.com.

Lindsey Peters Berg lives in Los Angeles. Her short fiction has appeared in HAD, Rejection Letters, and Moot Point. Currently, she’s at work on her first novel.